Monday, February 13, 2012

My how we ate

You're still awake, I'm still awake 
Laying on opposite sides like there's been a quake; making a line that divides how we ache
Leaving behind pieces of what we break in our wake
My how we ate our hearts out in mistakes
When we come down, we may then see the crates, soap boxes we stay on top of to be safe
Listen, we sound like robots, questions never stop, like have we had enough?
"Let me out" you will shout and then start to sob, then turn around and ask for a ride 
I have too much pride to go run and hide so instead of staying inside, out of my mouth my mind runs like the tides
If only we could take our time, instead of jumping the gun, stepping over the line
We might run into some fun, who knows what we'd find
I want you to know, I'm willing to grow and do want you to shine
Listening to this song now I see, truth must be spoken or we will be broken 
Communication, if opened, would take our stew off this heat where we boil
I know you're loyal, I love you and want to stop this from ending spoiled, salutations and so on
If we retire the separation, then we acquire appreciation; and then some

Been down this street, we'll make it
Just laugh with me, joy's harmless 
If you believe, we'll make it
Just give the love to save us

Saturday, February 11, 2012

"Bring Light In"

As we commit to ourselves, "Do Not Say NOT" we can find ways of rephrasing every thought to come from a purely positive perspective:

Here is an example...

This morning on Twitter @UncleRUSH wrote,"Do not fight the darkness simply bring the light. Darkness cannot survive in the presence of light”
An alternative option to saying this same sentance that allows us to be more truthful as we speak about what really exists instead of what's NOT, which is the opposite of what is and therefore non-existent, could look something like this, "Instead of fighting darkness, simply bring the light. Darkness seizes to exist in the presence of light."

Fear or Love, that's all there is... pick one! Which perspective are you operating from each moment to the next? If you allow yourself to be completely honest with where your thoughts are forming, then as you "deny denial" the darkness fades and light begins to shine on the place where your actions are really rooted from. This is empowering if you decide to thank any perceived pain as past programming that once helped to protect you, then release these fear generated habits that are now keeping you from fully serving your life's positive purpose.

Remember all is LOVE or fear, that's it. If you find fear is actually the driving force of your feelings and therefore behavior, then please know you are supported to declare today a conscious change! Make the continuous choice to start loving all, including yourself and the world around you naturally lighten up until you become all love, no fear.

Be a part of this "positive purpose" operating process.. Instead of harnessing dysfunction, let's make progress in healing until we're all healthy, thriving beings!

Bring in light! ---> Thank you @UncleRush, you've inspired us :)

Be LOVE and be loved.

Friday, February 10, 2012

There are no coincidences with fate.

Love is all purifying.
No more lying, disguising or hiding, "trying to be" instead of actually doing what we need to succeed..
Love opens all doors; a welcoming home for us all to grow old.
Our time on this earth relies on mom's giving birth, extends to the depth of our requests and depends on our faith to show the babies the way- Please make no mistake there are no coincidences with fate. Everything happens from the way we choose to behave or forgo choice like a slave. Staying victim dismays the belief that we seek in the truth that we speak.. Stay honest and true and you'll be respected as you, accepted as is; nothing is hopeless. The time is right now to start learning how to put down the fear, it's out with the doubt and all pain disappears.

Be open to change as it's the only constant thing. Growing is good.
Good is generated through the perspectives we hold..
Evolution's a must.

What's old from the past that is no longer of service to us must be let go: released, perspective altered, evolved, changed- to create what we desire to exist- as well as thanked, held with gratitude for shaping our knowledge and giving us courage through challenge.

AFFIRM TODAY: "Today is life. I created my existence from old habits. I now declare to make conscious choices based in Love as all doubt flows freely out of me. The life I desire is forming with each positive action I'm doing. I fully believe I have everything I need here for me as I am asking for what I want, in love, and remain vividly open to receiving blessings. My energy is based in the decisions I make. Please guide me now to have courage to follow my instincts to do what's best for me in serving my positive purpose on the planet. Thank you. What I affirm is real and true and here for love to thrive through me. Today is life and I'm excited to be alive!"