As we commit to ourselves, "Do Not Say NOT" we can find ways of rephrasing every thought to come from a purely positive perspective:
Here is an example...
Here is an example...
This morning on Twitter @UncleRUSH wrote,"Do not fight the darkness simply bring the light. Darkness cannot survive in the presence of light”
An alternative option to saying this same sentance that allows us to be more truthful as we speak about what really exists instead of what's NOT, which is the opposite of what is and therefore non-existent, could look something like this, "Instead of fighting darkness, simply bring the light. Darkness seizes to exist in the presence of light."
An alternative option to saying this same sentance that allows us to be more truthful as we speak about what really exists instead of what's NOT, which is the opposite of what is and therefore non-existent, could look something like this, "Instead of fighting darkness, simply bring the light. Darkness seizes to exist in the presence of light."
Fear or Love, that's all there is... pick one! Which perspective are you operating from each moment to the next? If you allow yourself to be completely honest with where your thoughts are forming, then as you "deny denial" the darkness fades and light begins to shine on the place where your actions are really rooted from. This is empowering if you decide to thank any perceived pain as past programming that once helped to protect you, then release these fear generated habits that are now keeping you from fully serving your life's positive purpose.
Remember all is LOVE or fear, that's it. If you find fear is actually the driving force of your feelings and therefore behavior, then please know you are supported to declare today a conscious change! Make the continuous choice to start loving all, including yourself and the world around you naturally lighten up until you become all love, no fear.
Be a part of this "positive purpose" operating process.. Instead of harnessing dysfunction, let's make progress in healing until we're all healthy, thriving beings!
Bring in light! ---> Thank you @UncleRush, you've inspired us :)
Bring in light! ---> Thank you @UncleRush, you've inspired us :)
Be LOVE and be loved.
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