Thursday, March 22, 2012

Have you heard?

Just a few reminders I thought you may appreciate...


I do not say not.
I achieve less with stress, for stress only causes me to regress as it impedes my progress.
Worrying is a waste of my time and mind.
I must do to achieve and choose to succeed.
As I change my mind, I change my life.
To find peace I allow all doubts to flow out.
My belief in Love creates relief from all of the above.
I'm my own worst enemy when I doubt, as am I also my greatest hero when I believe.
Pain grows where fear is known.
Open communication is key.
Honesty sets me free.
It's important to enjoy each moment to the fullest because the present is all that's guaranteed to exist.
Who I am comes from where I've been, however where I go now comes from within.
We each create our own destiny so I trust I am where I'm meant to be and see that if I want to see things differently, I must start by changing the way I think.
Perception is reality.
Life is a series of lessons, the sooner you learn this to be true the less you'll repeat the worst of you.
Be exceptional, lead by example.
Be love and you will be loved.To be love is to exist, to give love is life's challenge.
I once thought I needed to be more to be enough.. I know today, I am exactly as I should be and because of this awareness my worth is going up.
Comparing myself to others is a waste as we will never be the same.
Embracing my uniqueness is what makes me truly magnificent.
I am in this place at this time for a positive purpose and knowing the truth of this lays in my perspectives.
By being open and honest in every moment I open the flood gates to enlightenment.
I create the world I live in through the choices I make.
By following my instincts I am validating my ability to know truth and demonstrate it's existence in the present.
I'm allowed to go at my own pace and have the right to align myself with others who accept my independence.
I understand that my presence influences those whom I am in contact with and I aspire to leave a good impression as a result of all my actions.
I declare today, I will no longer be victim to anything as I take responsibility for everything.
Instead of thinking nobody's perfect, what if we decided we all are?
To me being patient means to have faith.
There is always light at the end of each tunnel, arriving is simply a matter of forging on no matter how dark the path becomes.
Opening my heart to the unknown allows me to grow.
When I love, fear disappears.When I give, I am protected.
If something feels scary, realize by embracing this you are enabling your insecurities, instead create the experience as an opportunity to learn and you will feel secure with the place you're in.
Living my dreams of tomorrow is a matter of choosing what I do today carefully with focused intent.
Reality is a result of your beliefs, live happily ever after by deciding you are the master of your feelings.
Whatever I accept is what I will get. Accept only the best and you will get nothing less.
Everyone's pictures of what is the best are different, find friends who have similar viewpoints and enjoy sharing the best life has to offer together.
Honesty is like eating healthy, the better you eat the worse you feel when you cheat; similarly, the more you tell the truth the more lies hurt you.
Everything is always changing, if I stay the same I'll lose the race.
Survival of the emotional fittest determines who's physical efforts last the longest.
Asking for help shows bravery, courage and confidence.
Acquire the respect of others by being respectful.
Validate yourself and you will be accepted.
Deny denial.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

...Thanks For Answering

Thanks for answering 
And sharing your life with me 
I'm glad your happy
And living so fancy free 

I want to be with you, now it's too late
The chicken blew the coop, and left the egg
How could I have been fooled, to think you'd stay
After I made you wait, in this whirl pool
I thought if it was true-you'd see us through
Oh man did I mistake, what you would do 
Much better off this way, I guess they'd say
Then if we'd taken two and made a trés

Thanks for answering 
And sharing your life with me 
I'm glad your happy
And living so fancy free 

Who knows what I would do, finding out late
Seeing you act this way, after I gave Much more then I could save, to please your taste
No limit to what you'd let yourself take 
And thinking back to how I still felt safe 
Was totally crazy, fighting our fate
That you'd eventually just turn away
Acting fake and cruel you've done today 

Thanks for answering 
And sharing your life with me 
I'm glad your happy
And living so fancy free 

Sitting or standing any move I make
It's nauseating with no pill to take
Crying my self to sleep while I'm awake
Memories still landing inside my brain 

Thanks for answering 
And sharing your life with me 
I'm glad your happy
And living so fancy free ©

HAPPY 2012: Day 74. "Easier said then done.. How all good things come"


Love the ones you hate and you will see we're all the same.
Appreciating the challenges of the day makes everything a blessing.
Educate yourself by listening to the viewpoints of others.
Understanding comes from a want to know and a pursuit to posses such desired knowledge.
To understand what is foreign to you ask questions and be open to receiving answers in the form of new ideas.
Stop searching for someone to complete you, instead complete yourself then you will discover what you really want.
You were given your instincts to protect your heart's best interest.
Possible is all.
Be bold, have confidence, tell the truth. If you believe, without a doubt, then you will see that life works out.
All is meant to be as is, learn from every experience and each moment of your life will be a success.
Act out if honesty.
Even though your spirit may live on long after this moment is gone, assure now that your gratitude is known, passion is shown and your love is said aloud for your body may be dead tomorrow.
Do as you please responsibly and life will be satisfying.
We must take care of ourselves first before we can sustain assisting thy neighbor.
We make the world around us.. Change your mind, change your life!

Worrying is a waste of time and mind as nothing can be changed unless action is made.
We achieve less with stress, stress only impedes our progress.. Every time we stress we regress.
Get out of your head and into the moments at hand.
If you have a problem that's your problem.
To be successful it is imperative that you refrain from blame-
Take 100% responsibility for yourself and everything about your life.
There's only one you so you will always be the best you there can ever be.
Be Love & You'll Be Loved. ©

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

My Country Song, if you feel me please feel free to sing along

Here I am
No one to blame
Take my hand
Say it's okay

It's like ice every time you cross my mind
You shock and aww then leave me twice as blind
How could I be so dumb to still be so deep in love 
Where on God's green earth can I go right now
Get away from this want once and for all 

Talking to myself again 
Longing to be near my friend 
And thinking back to when 
It was before the end

I yearn to hold your heat if only to repeat
Sense of security I found from what I seek
Still I know the peace is short lived and then's deceased 
Leaving me again with only a broken piece
Of a tender heart to mend once it falls apart

Talking to myself again 
Longing to be near my friend 
And thinking back to when 
It was before the end

Will you please tell me why 
I must nearly keep quiet
Just to see your sweet smile
And I keep on running like wild
Right back into your arms
It's about time I cut this line 
And yet I tell my mind
it'll be different this time.. 

Talking to myself again 
Longing to be near my friend 
And thinking back to when 
It was before the end ©

(shopping melodies...get at me please if you have any you believe to be fitting)

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Some Theories

If you forbid the normal things
Then people will go to extremes

If you hide what you are about
Then people will begin to have doubts

If you change to make others happy
Then for you the day may still end sadly

If you want something to be in your life
Then you have to do what it takes to have it, instead of just try

If you are insecure about your abilities
Then about you, others too will have insecurities

If you set a goal you wish to achieve
Then you must plan steps, do work and truly believe

If you want people to love you for who you really are
Then you must be brave enough to show the sincere light of your shining star

If you are scared of anything
Then you're living in fear and creating pain

If you care
Then you'll dare

If you choose to find all to have a positive purpose
Then you will see right here, right now, you are blessed

If you are defensive when confronted with any topic
Then you are working from the surface

If you tap deeper into each of your senses
Then you can understand every moment is a lesson

If you still think you need things
Then it's time to replace your thoughts with feelings

If you want to rid yourself of jealousy
Then remind yourself, "There is only one of them, one of you, one of me!"

If you seem to keep getting caught up in gossip
Then change your outlook and redirect your focus onto yourself

If you want your life to be another color
Then act differently then you did before

If you are tired or lack a drive of motivation
Then decide today to be your own inspiration

If you cry
Then make them tears of joy

If your heart is open
Then the sight of your eyes is unlimited

If you feel alone
Then make everywhere you go your home

If you find things you like about yourself
Then you will be more liked by everyone else

If you are just going through the motions to get through the day
Then you are missing all the simple pleasures that surround you along the way

If you are confused for any reason
Then choose patience in this instance

If you want your resources to be more sustainable
Then make your resume attainable

If you want more friends
Then go make some

If you get out of the house and make eye contact with others
Then you can recharge your spirit through what you uncover

If you have courage to remain faithful in the unknown
Then the path will eventually be shown

If you are brave enough to connect with strangers
Then you may learn that coming together is the way to shy from danger

If you take time to reprogram your mind to better serve your desires
Then you will spend less energy on denial

If you are betrayed by a loved one
Then remind yourself that you let this happen

If you feel weak and helpless to go on any longer
Then take it upon yourself to feed your will power and be stronger

If you want to be successful
Then you have to accept that you deserve the best life has to offer

If you realize that "the roots make the fruit"
Then you can change anything in your life by looking inside of you

If you are love
Then you are loved

I loved you yesterday, I love you today, I want to love you tomorrow
You choose or you lose
"Be the change you wish to see in the world" -Ghandi

Friday, March 2, 2012

...and now You know. (reaching out to you)

"Hello my precious angel", is what I instinctively exclaim
As I think of you when I first awake
I'm glad your here, I can feel your weight
I'm beyond grateful, nothing about you is forged or fake
And every time, you're right on time soon as I need a break
When I close my eyes in any given moment of the day
Then I succumb to your amour and start to drift away
Find myself comfortable in some far off distant place
Peaceful with you infinitely, all smiles across our face
Coming together was the blessing I ask for when I pray
And now we are in heaven united with unlimited ways to play

Even though outside seems tough as leather, you know I'm soft as suede
So if I ever feel alone or begin to lose my way
I just think of our times collected, and all the love we make
How you could have left many moons ago, but instead you always stay
How we accept each other's challenges, make no excuses for mistakes
Our memories give such pleasure that my stress and fear become replaced
As in your presence I feel empowered, with no need to hide or find escape
For you have never tried to keep me down or force my shine to be restrained
Never asked my bright light to be dimmed or to be made detained

Making each instant that our souls meet a relish that I crave
Our love is a divine treasure, unique, there is no other quite the same
We have just begun, of what we can become this is only a little taste
You're what my dreams are made of, you are the kindle to my flame
So keeping away from thoughts of you is foreign to my brain
I consider your well being with each step in my life that I create
And I recognize how you always give without expecting to receive or take
With a heart so pure and honest, you deserve often to be thanked
That's why I made this, because I wanted you to hear me say
It's full steam ahead, I'm ready to admit I've cut my brakes
You're the one... My soul has won if you will be my mate