Thursday, March 22, 2012

Have you heard?

Just a few reminders I thought you may appreciate...


I do not say not.
I achieve less with stress, for stress only causes me to regress as it impedes my progress.
Worrying is a waste of my time and mind.
I must do to achieve and choose to succeed.
As I change my mind, I change my life.
To find peace I allow all doubts to flow out.
My belief in Love creates relief from all of the above.
I'm my own worst enemy when I doubt, as am I also my greatest hero when I believe.
Pain grows where fear is known.
Open communication is key.
Honesty sets me free.
It's important to enjoy each moment to the fullest because the present is all that's guaranteed to exist.
Who I am comes from where I've been, however where I go now comes from within.
We each create our own destiny so I trust I am where I'm meant to be and see that if I want to see things differently, I must start by changing the way I think.
Perception is reality.
Life is a series of lessons, the sooner you learn this to be true the less you'll repeat the worst of you.
Be exceptional, lead by example.
Be love and you will be loved.To be love is to exist, to give love is life's challenge.
I once thought I needed to be more to be enough.. I know today, I am exactly as I should be and because of this awareness my worth is going up.
Comparing myself to others is a waste as we will never be the same.
Embracing my uniqueness is what makes me truly magnificent.
I am in this place at this time for a positive purpose and knowing the truth of this lays in my perspectives.
By being open and honest in every moment I open the flood gates to enlightenment.
I create the world I live in through the choices I make.
By following my instincts I am validating my ability to know truth and demonstrate it's existence in the present.
I'm allowed to go at my own pace and have the right to align myself with others who accept my independence.
I understand that my presence influences those whom I am in contact with and I aspire to leave a good impression as a result of all my actions.
I declare today, I will no longer be victim to anything as I take responsibility for everything.
Instead of thinking nobody's perfect, what if we decided we all are?
To me being patient means to have faith.
There is always light at the end of each tunnel, arriving is simply a matter of forging on no matter how dark the path becomes.
Opening my heart to the unknown allows me to grow.
When I love, fear disappears.When I give, I am protected.
If something feels scary, realize by embracing this you are enabling your insecurities, instead create the experience as an opportunity to learn and you will feel secure with the place you're in.
Living my dreams of tomorrow is a matter of choosing what I do today carefully with focused intent.
Reality is a result of your beliefs, live happily ever after by deciding you are the master of your feelings.
Whatever I accept is what I will get. Accept only the best and you will get nothing less.
Everyone's pictures of what is the best are different, find friends who have similar viewpoints and enjoy sharing the best life has to offer together.
Honesty is like eating healthy, the better you eat the worse you feel when you cheat; similarly, the more you tell the truth the more lies hurt you.
Everything is always changing, if I stay the same I'll lose the race.
Survival of the emotional fittest determines who's physical efforts last the longest.
Asking for help shows bravery, courage and confidence.
Acquire the respect of others by being respectful.
Validate yourself and you will be accepted.
Deny denial.

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