Wednesday, March 14, 2012

HAPPY 2012: Day 74. "Easier said then done.. How all good things come"


Love the ones you hate and you will see we're all the same.
Appreciating the challenges of the day makes everything a blessing.
Educate yourself by listening to the viewpoints of others.
Understanding comes from a want to know and a pursuit to posses such desired knowledge.
To understand what is foreign to you ask questions and be open to receiving answers in the form of new ideas.
Stop searching for someone to complete you, instead complete yourself then you will discover what you really want.
You were given your instincts to protect your heart's best interest.
Possible is all.
Be bold, have confidence, tell the truth. If you believe, without a doubt, then you will see that life works out.
All is meant to be as is, learn from every experience and each moment of your life will be a success.
Act out if honesty.
Even though your spirit may live on long after this moment is gone, assure now that your gratitude is known, passion is shown and your love is said aloud for your body may be dead tomorrow.
Do as you please responsibly and life will be satisfying.
We must take care of ourselves first before we can sustain assisting thy neighbor.
We make the world around us.. Change your mind, change your life!

Worrying is a waste of time and mind as nothing can be changed unless action is made.
We achieve less with stress, stress only impedes our progress.. Every time we stress we regress.
Get out of your head and into the moments at hand.
If you have a problem that's your problem.
To be successful it is imperative that you refrain from blame-
Take 100% responsibility for yourself and everything about your life.
There's only one you so you will always be the best you there can ever be.
Be Love & You'll Be Loved. ©

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