Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Be in the know.

If you would like to be in healthier shape, a great way to begin manifesting your intention is to always have water on hand.... Then next up, DRINK IT!!

Water just may be the true fountain of youth. Water flushes our bodies of toxins and keeps us hydrated which is essential to the functioning of all our vital organs, including the brain! Your blood cells in fact contain a lot of water and therefore can take much of the credit for insuring all the cells in your body are getting the necessary oxygen required to survive. I found confirmation at www.shapefit.com/why-water-is-important.html that, "Water is ranked second only to oxygen as essential for life." Here water is also considered, "..the most abundant ingredient in the human body through all phases of growth and development. Every system in your body depends on water to function."  

Water is a key component to your digestion and also helps to curb your appetite and keeps us foodies from over indulging. By drinking a full glass of water before every meal I'm able to prepare my body for consumption helping to stimulate the reactive nerves that send a message to my brain telling me when my stomach is full. It's said that the body takes about 20 minutes to process when you're full and trigger your senses, telling you that it's time to stop eating. Considering the pace in which most Americans eat and taking into account the portion size we still continue to serve ourselves, it's no surprise that we're able to over stuff ourselves in that extra 20 minutes it takes to signal our brain that we have eaten enough. Water seems to act as a buffer, prepping us to start relying our stomach's capacity sooner, helping to alleviate our chances of over consumption. Experts from studies on water in relation to weight loss reported at www.cnn.com/2009/HEALTH/expert.q.a/04/10/water.losing.weight.jampolis/index.html that, "People who drank two glasses of water 20 to 30 minutes before every meal lost weight more quickly initially and lost significantly more weight then those who didn't." Another experiment found that, "...people who drank water before meals ate an average of 75 fewer calories at that meal. ...if you ate 75 fewer calories at lunch and dinner for the next year, you could lose about 14.5 pounds! In addition, being even 1 percent dehydrated can cause a significant drop in metabolism..." Finally concluding that, "It is very difficult for your body differentiate hunger from thirst. If you don't drink enough water throughout the day, you may mistake thirst for hunger and eat more then you really need." It's encouraged at this same website that we eat water-based foods as a way to lower calorie density of meals without reducing portion sizes!    

Water is proven to account for majority of our body itself and of this planet's surface, so to me that makes water one of the most valuable resources in all of existence to the humankind. The website www.wellnessgoods.com/waterimportant.asp agrees with me that, "Water is the essential component of all life." Further explaining, "Healthy water carries nutrients, minerals... the building blocks of growth and healing energies; it disposes of waste and is constantly cooling, cleansing and purifying itself. Our bodies depend on water (as blood) as a catalyst... Dehydration is a common source of illness... Tea, coffee and alcohol all dehydrate the body, ththerefore if we take them we need to drink more good water to compensate... Good water is getting perilously scarce."
Conserving water is extremely important and being conscious of how we run or use our water makes a huge difference in the functioning of our planet. You might take this information as a challenge to be more considerate of the water wasted around you by reminding yourself that some people barely have enough fresh water to survive. Hopefully the gift of getting complementary water with each meal will inspire you to drink a glass before you go on to the more glamorous portions. This, just like any behavior, will take commitment and practice to become habit. Habits are formed through the conscious choice of deciding what actions we intend to take and then following through to manifest such desires.

Water has a huge impact on life itself as an obvious requirement for the natural growth of pretty much every living organism in existence, clearly making it a power player in your health as well. The more you choose to drink water the healthier you'll become. The healthier you become the better you'll feel. The better you feel the happier you'll be. The happier you are the more positive impact you can have on others. The more positive impact you have on others the greater life is for all of us. Start the flow, make the conscious effort to enhance your existence and be a contributing member of the global village we are each a part of during life on Earth. 

Think water, keep water, drink water.
..& remember, 1ove above all!

Monday, May 7, 2012

No way to lose because today I CHOOSE!

Today I affirm that I am free of all my past habits as I choose to act from a mindset based in my Love for the future I desire instead of fear from experiences I've already had. The past has passed. Worrying is a waste of time and mind so instead of dwelling in shame on things I have done that got me to this point, I am focused on the changes I can make in the present now to create the outcome I please in the unfolding moments to come.  I understand that I achieve less when I allow my mind to become a victim of stress and today I am consciously choosing happiness as my focus. I believe happiness is a choice and by deliberately deciding to feel how each of my thoughts effect my emotional state, I become aware of my power. I have the power to maintain all that serves me as well as let go of everything that pains me. My focused intentions manifest my perspective which shapes the content of my life. Today I am deciding with each new instant to consciously choose Love over fear! I am replacing every negative thought with a hopeful outlook, understanding we each move at our own unique pace and I am always in the perfect space for myself to learn a lesson I am meant to take in. Every single thing happens for some reason and I am growing to find the purpose of my place here in time by having a present mind focused on Loving all and fearing none. I am ready to be free, I am able to feel free and I am willing to choose the thoughts I keep in order to be free! Today as I go forth on this journey I am deciding to be guided by Love in all that I do- TODAY I CHOOSE WHAT I DO SO THERE'S NO WAY I CAN LOSE. I WIN WITH LOVE! I am in charge and no matter how weak I've been, I choose NOW to be strong & head in only a positive, healthy, progressive direction!   I am Love, I am Loved. 

Saturday, May 5, 2012

I wish I could get through to you but what does wishing do?

I wish you cared for me, took your hearts lead instead of leaving me so tormented by this misery of loving one who ignores me so effervescently.  I wish you'd so adoringly dote on me the way I'd give to your majesty if you'd receive the precious passion I seep in ever action and royal word I speak.  I wish I could influence your stupidity in order for you to see there's no shame with me, nothing to keep hidden that I may think is too forbidden to work with in creating the dream come true that we both seek.  I wish you wanted to flee the weight of these past deeds shaping this fate that is so severe you can hardly even believe it's even here; wanted to be through with the pain enough to do a new regiment of truths letting all of your aches disappear with each demon you slay and new hoop you jump through. I wish this all could make sense to you.  I wish you'd let your conscience clear, let the idea that success is comes of what appears when the tests all say A no matter how the grade happened to get made and instead open the brain to letting Love lead the way which has no judgements or lack and commit to no turning back.  I wish you'd hear me in my statement that I understand your misery is anchored deep in the sea of a history controlled by being so free as to have minimal consequences given as long as you proceed with elegance, but that with the right ingredients in the present moment you will supersede this weakest link of your existence with your power to effectively accept you're in charge of the destiny that's set.  I wish you'd decide you can do this and go through with it.  I wish you'd admit that I'm worth taking the chance of opening up to me and finally find the security there is in a love like this.  I wish you would be brave enough to be here, show up; appear where you really want to be even though you're leery to trust anybody, and do this because you know the key in hitting the bullseye is to shoot away and learn from whatever may come with each new aim.  I wish you could find confidence that we'd never have need to compete as our complementary personalities may just possibly complete the puzzle we're each building with one missing piece of a partnership.  I wish that the constant revealing of each's inspiring production of greatest through the others support and deficiency of selfishness would give you positive assurance in the creation possibilities of our combined entities healthy function.  I wish you believed in me and knew how much I believe in you.  I've wished.. Now it's time to work for it and if the Love is meant to be we'll see, otherwise so be it and regardless which outcome peeks, I still wish you the happiness of peace as we proceed to live life to its fullest because we were always friends first.  143. 

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Our wings require wind to fly.

I find peace in focusing my mind on appreciating the simplest things that make my existence here on earth possible... I'd love to share peaceful moments with you when you're ready. You're good enough to be my friend, you're stronger then you think my friend. I know you're scared, you fear yourself so fear itself is felt and will remain until you choose that Love is all there is and nothing else. I'm intimidating at first and then once you give into your faith that I may be here to help lead the way and there's no space for shame then the pain shall disappear. I understand and I'll take the way you behave with grains, and less personally, still I see a friend in need of the seeds I can lay. I have less then you think yet more then I know and still I can sink while I will grow. I appreciate you and the truth that you share, I'm proud of the new life that you're daring to make as your own and all that I'd like is to throw you a bone. We met for a reason, in the frankest of ways, I believe that my light is as bright as I shine today may it be to open a door that inspires you to explore just how deep you can go to get out of the hole you have been living in all alone. You're already whole for this moment that's now and you'll be fuller tomorrow as your gaurds are let down, or at least this is how I've seen honesty to be. I'm hoping you may begin to trust in me as your friend who admires your strength to admit what you see as weakness. Feeling you is unstoppable, our heart string is pulled thin with distance and still tight in it's connection no matter the witch that's put between it, even as I stretch with the flow, I feel it too when I let you go. When you think of me... Your spirit flies to meet my soul on wings of Love that you've never known, so if your brave today from one moment at all then let your heart go ahead and just call. There's no need to pretend that everything's fine, I'm aware of the dispair you hold in your mind. I'd like to guide your sadness to the exit, hold your hand and be silent, take our time- maybe write it and lay side by side as we inhale all that's left of the blessings we might forget without the other to spot it and point out what we miss. Does this make any sense? Can you try to confront your demons in front of my witness to lighten the load and turn curses into gifts of lessons we will check off our lists? I'm here. When, then, now, still, without judgements, open and loving, I have faith in what you're doing. I'm here for you friend. I'm proud of your steps and I'm a fan of your courage. A puzzle is never made of just one piece, if it was it would just be a picture. "Teamwork makes the dream work." (All Love)