Monday, May 7, 2012

No way to lose because today I CHOOSE!

Today I affirm that I am free of all my past habits as I choose to act from a mindset based in my Love for the future I desire instead of fear from experiences I've already had. The past has passed. Worrying is a waste of time and mind so instead of dwelling in shame on things I have done that got me to this point, I am focused on the changes I can make in the present now to create the outcome I please in the unfolding moments to come.  I understand that I achieve less when I allow my mind to become a victim of stress and today I am consciously choosing happiness as my focus. I believe happiness is a choice and by deliberately deciding to feel how each of my thoughts effect my emotional state, I become aware of my power. I have the power to maintain all that serves me as well as let go of everything that pains me. My focused intentions manifest my perspective which shapes the content of my life. Today I am deciding with each new instant to consciously choose Love over fear! I am replacing every negative thought with a hopeful outlook, understanding we each move at our own unique pace and I am always in the perfect space for myself to learn a lesson I am meant to take in. Every single thing happens for some reason and I am growing to find the purpose of my place here in time by having a present mind focused on Loving all and fearing none. I am ready to be free, I am able to feel free and I am willing to choose the thoughts I keep in order to be free! Today as I go forth on this journey I am deciding to be guided by Love in all that I do- TODAY I CHOOSE WHAT I DO SO THERE'S NO WAY I CAN LOSE. I WIN WITH LOVE! I am in charge and no matter how weak I've been, I choose NOW to be strong & head in only a positive, healthy, progressive direction!   I am Love, I am Loved. 

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