Friday, December 21, 2012

12.20.2012: Wow!! --> Ideas WORTH READING :D

"A whole new world is upon us as we count down to December 21, 2012. Yep, Friday is the big day, one that's been shrouded in lore and apocalyptic legends, the day that a 5,125 year cycle of the Mayan calendar ends and another era begins. Since the human will to live is still strong, we choose to believe this is "the end of the world as we know it," not a literal Armageddon. In fact, the Mayans call the post-2012 era The World Of The Fifth Sun or The Fifth World. The previous four worlds brought forth minerals, plants, animals then humans. In the Fifth World, humans will be called upon to reharmonize with nature ,as we stop abusing minerals (gold, silver, fossil fuels), restore our connection with nature (global warming, be warned!) and honor our connection to animals. Indeed, we are largely out of sync with nature, so much so that an extended power outage could take us to our knees. While those wacky survivalists might seem like lunatics, maybe they're onto something. At the very least, it wouldn't be a bad idea to learn the basics like growing our own food or otherwise living off the land, if for no other reason than to honor our connection to the planet.

As the world shifts, the call for "oneness consciousness" is also being raised. Many of us have been seeing the numbers 11:11 and 1:11 on clocks, addresses, or in other serendipitous places for years, a calling to elevate the spirit of oneness on the planet. Some believe that the number 11 is associated with lightworkers ( and that there has been an increase in people who want to elevate the positive vibes here on Earth as we've approached December 21. During the transition to this new era, we will see a sharper divide between the lightworkers and the people who are still operating according to material greed and self-interest. How we'll navigate the balance is yet to be seen, but with the world's resources dwindling, populations surging, and shifting weather patterns due to global warming, we are going to need to work collectively to keep this planet going!

The Mayans were profound record keepers and mathematicians, both astronomers and astrologers. Another occurrence they predicted for December 21, 2012 was that both the Earth and the Sun would align with the Galactic Center-- an event which has not happened for 26,000 years (the time the Ice Age began). The Mayan's precision boggles the mind, but indeed this alignment is occurring. Just as the Sun is the center of our solar system, the Galactic Center is the gravitational field that the entire Milky Way revolves around! So, this alignment of Earth, Sun, and Galactic Center connects us to worlds beyond our own, fiery and mysterious with an indescribable pull. The systems our modern world revolves around may shift as a result of this stellar and enigmatic alignment. Who knows? Perhaps we'll even contact life forms in distant galaxies on this fated day.

Also on the 21st, three planets form a "Yod," which is called "the finger of God" or "the finger of fate" by astrologers. The star players in this mystical trio, Pluto in Capricorn and Saturn in Scorpio, will push their energy down towards Jupiter in Gemini. Pluto and Saturn are in a "mutual reception," meaning that they are housed in the signs that the other planet rules: Pluto rules Scorpio and Saturn rules Capricorn. Pluto and Scorpio can be destructive forces, transforming structures so the phoenix can rise from the ashes. Saturn and Capricorn are all about power, authority and control--they keep structures in place and ground us by providing the resources we need. Pluto and Saturn are working in tandem to shift the power on the world stage, but bringing some major disruptions in their wake. Fortunately, Jupiter, which is the focus point of this Yod, is in Gemini--the sign of partnerships, duality, cooperation, and kindred spirits. And Jupiter is the planet of international affairs. Whoa! We may see an incredible shift of power going down this week. Will Beyonce's  words, "Who run the world? Girls!" ring true? Part of the Mayan lore involved the Venus transit this past June 5, when Venus visibly crossed over the Sun, calling forth the divine feminine and awakening women's power. While a balance of masculine and feminine is the way to keep the world in harmony, the warmongering aggression and violent plays for domination are not exactly doing the trick. Women leaders may come forth or stage a peaceful revolution that rocks the world with its loving vibes. (How awesome would THAT be?!)  It's worth noting that in the Yod, Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter will all be at 8 degrees, the number associated with infinity and the balance between the material and spiritual worlds. Yes, from a cosmic perspective this day is major. Join us in visualizing a planet bathed in light and love, as we usher in the Fifth World on Friday.

Cosmic Love,
Ophira & Tali
The AstroTwins"

I felt like this view of today, 12.20.2012, is something worth sharing! 
I would Love to hear your thoughts and also suggestions of how to be a positive part of this epic shift as it evolves our way of life  :D 

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Strange Birds

Hello my conscious community!

I think about sharing my experience all the time however I miss out on opportunities to inspire others due to a perceived lack of time or more honestly a lack of commitment. I justify skipping it, doubting the power of positive impact my words might have on those whom they reach. I’ve decided today that taking the necessary time required to expose the strength I’ve gained from the lessons I’m learning, is a valid consumption of my energy as it may contribute to helping build hope in others.
That being said… This is what’s happening:

Someone I have known for a very long time, who played a big part in my decision to seek out and stick with a lifestyle based in *sobriety, messaged me this morning, "Two days no weed. Going to take it one day at a time- thanks for being so kind- several times you've blown my mind- you're presence is so divine- The Fog is one of a kind- I'm proud to see u shine.."
Surprised that this particular person happened to be reaching out at this point in our relationship, I found myself sharing quite a bit more then I realized I would. Considering how this encounter began, what develops from here resulted in an outcome which was completely unpredicted by me at this point. 
As a response to such text I was compelled to express, "Thank you for sharing this part of your journey with me. The fact that you're willing to be willing is huge. 

Getting support from others who know the feeling of being dependent and addicted to using, really saves me in my moments of weakness as much as it fuels the devoted pledge I’ve made to myself to live in full consciousness. There are narcotics anonymous groups as well however I've found pretty much everyone in AA has had to overcome weed or some other addiction along with alcohol. For that reason, here in AA, I've found a place where I can truly be honest with myself, others and my higher power to evolve and heal my past habits, giving me an opportunity to create the life I most desire while overcoming resentment, fear and shame.  
I've learned that *sobriety is extremely fragile- and must literally be guarded with our lives in order to truly know the authentic animated events we are here to experience. Picking a "birthday" of when your true, conscious, honest self was or is born stands as an extremely motivating factor to stay the course of which you affirmed! So, if you are still going strong when this reaches you then yours would officially be 11.5.12? My advice would be to find the exhilarating power in clearing what blurs your direct connection with source energy, our higher power, your God. I see that “using” mind-altering substances of any kind clogs the path of this divine relationship, which seems to stand as highly essential for one to have a positive experience during our physical life on this planet. 

“Using” is holding us back from our grand design's purpose on this planet. The longer you stick with honest *sobriety, the harder it is to go back, throw away that "birthday" or give up the connection you develop with your HP. Like we learned together a long time ago... Changing your mind is changing your lifeBy admitting you are powerless over weed and praying to your God to guide you away from it, you can find it easier to focus on that which is serving your well-being instead of giving in to that addicted voice in your head that's just stuck playing the same old self-sabotaging tapes over and over again. When agitated or doubtful, pause and pray- your natural instincts, your higher power, knows the way to your greatest state of fulfillment. Your "God could and would if he were sought.." Believe and you will be relieved. Try thinking about your thoughts as if they are birds.. Whichever birds you feed more are the ones that will hang around longer. See cravings as simply strange birds that fly over head- you would never in your right mind try to capture these birds and hold them captive thinking such an act would serve either of you, so instead all you do is observe their presence and let them fly away. Now as you decide which birds of thought are helpful for your *sobriety and your happiness, you can then put out a feeder or have food ready on hand for the healthy thoughts that fly in, feeding those you wish to keep close. 
"Birds Are Flying Over My Head.." By: Chloe Gauntley

As you continue this behavior these bright, motivating birds will grow in number, until the strange birds of addiction are shunned to the point that they no longer even come around or if they do it’s only stay for a brief appearance before you’re focus is consciously redirected to that which you Love.  One day, one moment, one choice at a time."

After what I considered to be such a thoughtful disclosure I was given the reply of, "Thank you for your time." Really? Okay. I see how so much stimulating information at once could be overwhelming to some, especially in the first stages of honest *sobriety. So when I could have given in to being offended, I dug deeper to find a place of gratitude in heart and said, "Thank you for your recognition." 
I then got a, "Your welcome." Which part of me wanted to find as mocking or self-righteous. However what happened next stopped me in my tracks before I could act out of fear, that I was being unappreciated.
Even though I know it is best to expect only the unexpected, I was letting myself feel defeated from the response I was given. Then literally the very next minute like a stampede of guiding light, 

I received another text from someone else that read, "I believe in the power of here goes.........I hope and pray that every one of your goals and dreams in life come true. I hope that you continue to find your true purpose and that your work inspires people of all walks of life. That your life is looked at as a life to follow after because of what you stand for. May God's hands bring you more joy, love and happiness then you have ever dreamed of......I hope and pray you have a family of your own that gives you a new meaning of life....and I hope that you meet and embrace new friendships that lead you to your calling and let your light shine on this world like you have never imagined .........words are the strongest thing in the universe....I believe in yours...say you receive soon.....cheers to that." 
What a difference a moment makes eh?!
As soon as I started to feel agitated and doubtful I was immediately confronted by the wise advise I’ve heard time and time again and in fact had just minutes ago given out myself, that in such instances the next right action to take is to PAUSE. I find such validity in pausing, that by doing so I give myself that extra moment to think, breathe, pray, quickly meditate on how to proceed with Love and grace which pushes me to reconnect with my code of honor instead of reacting out of hast or defense.
I passed this new message on to whom I was originally conversing with and in sharing what I was given I then acquired a texts stating, "That brings joy to my heart, thank you." Along with acknowledgment that I had been a positive influence in the prosperity this person is currently collecting. 
As a result I decided to communicate, "You have a unique gift when it comes to expressing yourself with music. 

A talent that comes so instinctually for you, takes others years of training to parallel. I truly believe that if you become addicted to recording music every time you feel the urge to smoke or drink and you start to record instead of “use” in each of those instances, that within a year you could have at least 1 song on the radio. That between now and your first “birthday” you will be well on your way to having the freedom you desire of traveling any where in the world you'd like, enjoying a comfortable car, your own home, world wide welcome and respect.." No matter how my message is going to be received, this is my truth and I find immense gratitude for the courage I have to let it be known and even greater appreciation for the platform I was presented with to give such recognition without denunciation.
At this point I'm given the gift of validation, "I appreciate your words of wisdom." As I receive such a response simultaneously to the reply I am constructing for the friend who chimed in during my moment of pausing. I told this sweet friend who so openly contacted me out of the blue, "Thank you. Your time, attention, honesty, reflection, drive and expression have touched my heart this morning as a true blessing. My am I feeling aligned. I had just responded to a friend who is attempting sobriety with very detailed feedback and got back what I perceived as a lackluster reply.. One minute later I got this message from you! Thank you for inspiring my patience and challenging me to give all people the tools to create their desired reality while then stepping back to allow space for each to build their own masterpiece. I do believe my life's purpose is to motivate others, inspiring courage in them to live as their truest self and at their highest potential. I am striving, on moment-to-moment bases with each choice I make, to be of service by leading through positive example. I feel honored you're 'seeing' me and allowing me the gift of your reflection to remind me the power my inner light holds and the ability to recognize the positive difference my expressed authenticity makes on this planet. I feel validated by your vulnerable share that I am doing the right thing and must stay the course... Thank you! Ps. I too Love words!" 

I have been saying for some time now that ACTIONS SPEAK THE LOUDEST, so to hear someone put such weight on words is a reminder how words in all reality can stand as a form of action themselves. I have struggled with this concept for a while, knowing my words effect others yet finding some people’s words to be empty of dignity only to leave me feeling fooled once again for believing in them. I might now have faith that honest words represent pure intentions, which therefore are manifesting into allied behaviors and it may only be lies that breed this lack of satisfaction when counted upon. Have I discounted all words due to the misuse of irresponsible people who are living out their age in denial? As I questioned my stern commitment of letting words simply sound good when in fact I was actually only watching what actions I could see, I heard more from my enlightened friend that's got me digging deeper for answers to such inquires about the path I have been so diligently traveling. 
"Your mind is ready for the real good stuff.....I'm going to share with you some amazing things in good time....I'm reading where science and scripture are working together to teach how much power words have......I've been taught this my whole mom is a life coach and teacher to actors and models......I've been blessed and me....our friendship is about to blow your mind........hope u have a great have one of the best smiles I've ever scene in this world ......thanks for being you...." What a pleasant recognition of all I have been working toward. 
I am able to feel at peace in this now that I am in the place for which I am meant to be. I feel inspired to focus my attention on what is really important to my spiritual growth. I am ready to publish what I am learning, instead of wasting energy doubting if I am being understood. By staying aware of how I am affecting others and keeping faith that through my complete consciousness I have the power to adjust my own responses accordingly, I am being an active participant in creating my desired experience through the good guidance of my high power. 

I affirm: "I Love myself more today then ever before. I know now, with complete certainty and faith, I am truly worthy of being Loved. That by making it to be present in this very moment, I see how all that has happened before now is meant to be. From here on, whatever comes next is quite a mystery. However, what I am sure of is that I'm ready, willing and able to express what's true for me in each coming moment without shame, fear or insecurity. I find strength in believing that everything happens for a positive purpose if that's the perspective I pick!"

Thank you for allowing me this time with you. I pray that you reading this may in some way aid you to trust that through sharing our sorrow we cut it in half and by sharing our joy it becomes doubled. 1ove.

(*Sobriety: -noun. 1. Seriousness, gravity, or solemnity. 2. Habitually temperate, free of excess. 3. The state or quality of being sane or rational, showing self discipline. 4. Refraining from any indulgence in intoxication or alteration of one’s pure state of natural intended existence.)

Friday, September 14, 2012

The end may be where our story begins

Without thought at least on my end, I am engulfed in feelings of every sense. 
Put in this very place for this time being to say these things that may never be seen nor erased. 
Every time we blink there is something missed, yes we must skip many a more then we are blessed to experience yet much is without consciousness until chosen to acknowledge. Legends believed are created in the present. Second-guessing our instincts empties our chance to seize the art of accepting what we truly are.  
The benefits of reflection are a given unless pre-conceived judgments start to cloud the motives of what one’s gut knows is best. Even here and now I have begun to back tab only to remind myself that is why scripture is proofread before published. 
When I "try" I am leaving room for failure, therefore I must just do. I would love to give the world adventure to be opened at their leisure. 
In claiming one's power of choice, the human mind can find peace as we may choose anything we wish to be. Committing to any decision with action in said direction summons the dream to become one’s visual reality. Everything is always changing. 
Here is the time I shall question the sense of my statements after they are written to disclose only those I am able to stand for as possible fact without defense necessary.
I have so many ideas that rush at once sometimes it clogs and none come forth. 
May I see only the glistening peeks from millions of ripples, as a sweet autumn sun beats down on a body of our making’s majority, and be reminded such spectacular surfaces are to keep our species functioning. The miracle of life might be to be. Simply being is a miracle if believed to be. 
A happy philosopher, peaceful civilian, my heart is warm with this feeling of contentment. How might I see further then I can reach, to really know the tips of these trees hold meaning to more then just me?
Learning is growing- constant evolving. Adjustment is life and here in this phase of mine I have found what I like, what I love, what I’m made of, what I’m here for. 
I have a voice of inspiration, encompassed with Love to share with this world. 
I till peace in my soul similar to that which is the sky holding the clouds as they roll. 
With that, I sprout as I’m shown to branch out in the direction of sun, go on as nothing is wrong whenever rain comes. 
As with misery, fret seems to be the best opportunity for us to know what we no longer want. 

I’m open to close, I’m closed to no open. I’ve broken these bones but no vows shall be spoken on deaf ears or for which I would allow to be forgotten with years.
Forces seeming greater then belief may come in to play and take the body, but as long as your faith holds tight to the positive purpose of everything you may indeed be ever happy no matter what’s happening.
I let the wind dictate my breathing if that means I may stay in sync with healing.
In becoming more of an adult I retreat to the safety of staying alert. 
I find benefits run deep through acts of participating in activities which stimulate my intrigue to it's greatest potential, allowing my focus to draw up my life's purpose like a bubbles to the surface.

Be everything that is contrary to deceit. Let no passing moment's patience fall victim to defeat. To be complete means to be unique. 
Your power lays in Loving.
Stalled for the time being I remind myself, stop thinking so much, just let out what is true for you and those who agree will align with divinity.
So as for you and me... The end may be where our story begins ? 
The end.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Be in the know.

If you would like to be in healthier shape, a great way to begin manifesting your intention is to always have water on hand.... Then next up, DRINK IT!!

Water just may be the true fountain of youth. Water flushes our bodies of toxins and keeps us hydrated which is essential to the functioning of all our vital organs, including the brain! Your blood cells in fact contain a lot of water and therefore can take much of the credit for insuring all the cells in your body are getting the necessary oxygen required to survive. I found confirmation at that, "Water is ranked second only to oxygen as essential for life." Here water is also considered, "..the most abundant ingredient in the human body through all phases of growth and development. Every system in your body depends on water to function."  

Water is a key component to your digestion and also helps to curb your appetite and keeps us foodies from over indulging. By drinking a full glass of water before every meal I'm able to prepare my body for consumption helping to stimulate the reactive nerves that send a message to my brain telling me when my stomach is full. It's said that the body takes about 20 minutes to process when you're full and trigger your senses, telling you that it's time to stop eating. Considering the pace in which most Americans eat and taking into account the portion size we still continue to serve ourselves, it's no surprise that we're able to over stuff ourselves in that extra 20 minutes it takes to signal our brain that we have eaten enough. Water seems to act as a buffer, prepping us to start relying our stomach's capacity sooner, helping to alleviate our chances of over consumption. Experts from studies on water in relation to weight loss reported at that, "People who drank two glasses of water 20 to 30 minutes before every meal lost weight more quickly initially and lost significantly more weight then those who didn't." Another experiment found that, "...people who drank water before meals ate an average of 75 fewer calories at that meal. ...if you ate 75 fewer calories at lunch and dinner for the next year, you could lose about 14.5 pounds! In addition, being even 1 percent dehydrated can cause a significant drop in metabolism..." Finally concluding that, "It is very difficult for your body differentiate hunger from thirst. If you don't drink enough water throughout the day, you may mistake thirst for hunger and eat more then you really need." It's encouraged at this same website that we eat water-based foods as a way to lower calorie density of meals without reducing portion sizes!    

Water is proven to account for majority of our body itself and of this planet's surface, so to me that makes water one of the most valuable resources in all of existence to the humankind. The website agrees with me that, "Water is the essential component of all life." Further explaining, "Healthy water carries nutrients, minerals... the building blocks of growth and healing energies; it disposes of waste and is constantly cooling, cleansing and purifying itself. Our bodies depend on water (as blood) as a catalyst... Dehydration is a common source of illness... Tea, coffee and alcohol all dehydrate the body, ththerefore if we take them we need to drink more good water to compensate... Good water is getting perilously scarce."
Conserving water is extremely important and being conscious of how we run or use our water makes a huge difference in the functioning of our planet. You might take this information as a challenge to be more considerate of the water wasted around you by reminding yourself that some people barely have enough fresh water to survive. Hopefully the gift of getting complementary water with each meal will inspire you to drink a glass before you go on to the more glamorous portions. This, just like any behavior, will take commitment and practice to become habit. Habits are formed through the conscious choice of deciding what actions we intend to take and then following through to manifest such desires.

Water has a huge impact on life itself as an obvious requirement for the natural growth of pretty much every living organism in existence, clearly making it a power player in your health as well. The more you choose to drink water the healthier you'll become. The healthier you become the better you'll feel. The better you feel the happier you'll be. The happier you are the more positive impact you can have on others. The more positive impact you have on others the greater life is for all of us. Start the flow, make the conscious effort to enhance your existence and be a contributing member of the global village we are each a part of during life on Earth. 

Think water, keep water, drink water.
..& remember, 1ove above all!

Monday, May 7, 2012

No way to lose because today I CHOOSE!

Today I affirm that I am free of all my past habits as I choose to act from a mindset based in my Love for the future I desire instead of fear from experiences I've already had. The past has passed. Worrying is a waste of time and mind so instead of dwelling in shame on things I have done that got me to this point, I am focused on the changes I can make in the present now to create the outcome I please in the unfolding moments to come.  I understand that I achieve less when I allow my mind to become a victim of stress and today I am consciously choosing happiness as my focus. I believe happiness is a choice and by deliberately deciding to feel how each of my thoughts effect my emotional state, I become aware of my power. I have the power to maintain all that serves me as well as let go of everything that pains me. My focused intentions manifest my perspective which shapes the content of my life. Today I am deciding with each new instant to consciously choose Love over fear! I am replacing every negative thought with a hopeful outlook, understanding we each move at our own unique pace and I am always in the perfect space for myself to learn a lesson I am meant to take in. Every single thing happens for some reason and I am growing to find the purpose of my place here in time by having a present mind focused on Loving all and fearing none. I am ready to be free, I am able to feel free and I am willing to choose the thoughts I keep in order to be free! Today as I go forth on this journey I am deciding to be guided by Love in all that I do- TODAY I CHOOSE WHAT I DO SO THERE'S NO WAY I CAN LOSE. I WIN WITH LOVE! I am in charge and no matter how weak I've been, I choose NOW to be strong & head in only a positive, healthy, progressive direction!   I am Love, I am Loved. 

Saturday, May 5, 2012

I wish I could get through to you but what does wishing do?

I wish you cared for me, took your hearts lead instead of leaving me so tormented by this misery of loving one who ignores me so effervescently.  I wish you'd so adoringly dote on me the way I'd give to your majesty if you'd receive the precious passion I seep in ever action and royal word I speak.  I wish I could influence your stupidity in order for you to see there's no shame with me, nothing to keep hidden that I may think is too forbidden to work with in creating the dream come true that we both seek.  I wish you wanted to flee the weight of these past deeds shaping this fate that is so severe you can hardly even believe it's even here; wanted to be through with the pain enough to do a new regiment of truths letting all of your aches disappear with each demon you slay and new hoop you jump through. I wish this all could make sense to you.  I wish you'd let your conscience clear, let the idea that success is comes of what appears when the tests all say A no matter how the grade happened to get made and instead open the brain to letting Love lead the way which has no judgements or lack and commit to no turning back.  I wish you'd hear me in my statement that I understand your misery is anchored deep in the sea of a history controlled by being so free as to have minimal consequences given as long as you proceed with elegance, but that with the right ingredients in the present moment you will supersede this weakest link of your existence with your power to effectively accept you're in charge of the destiny that's set.  I wish you'd decide you can do this and go through with it.  I wish you'd admit that I'm worth taking the chance of opening up to me and finally find the security there is in a love like this.  I wish you would be brave enough to be here, show up; appear where you really want to be even though you're leery to trust anybody, and do this because you know the key in hitting the bullseye is to shoot away and learn from whatever may come with each new aim.  I wish you could find confidence that we'd never have need to compete as our complementary personalities may just possibly complete the puzzle we're each building with one missing piece of a partnership.  I wish that the constant revealing of each's inspiring production of greatest through the others support and deficiency of selfishness would give you positive assurance in the creation possibilities of our combined entities healthy function.  I wish you believed in me and knew how much I believe in you.  I've wished.. Now it's time to work for it and if the Love is meant to be we'll see, otherwise so be it and regardless which outcome peeks, I still wish you the happiness of peace as we proceed to live life to its fullest because we were always friends first.  143. 

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Our wings require wind to fly.

I find peace in focusing my mind on appreciating the simplest things that make my existence here on earth possible... I'd love to share peaceful moments with you when you're ready. You're good enough to be my friend, you're stronger then you think my friend. I know you're scared, you fear yourself so fear itself is felt and will remain until you choose that Love is all there is and nothing else. I'm intimidating at first and then once you give into your faith that I may be here to help lead the way and there's no space for shame then the pain shall disappear. I understand and I'll take the way you behave with grains, and less personally, still I see a friend in need of the seeds I can lay. I have less then you think yet more then I know and still I can sink while I will grow. I appreciate you and the truth that you share, I'm proud of the new life that you're daring to make as your own and all that I'd like is to throw you a bone. We met for a reason, in the frankest of ways, I believe that my light is as bright as I shine today may it be to open a door that inspires you to explore just how deep you can go to get out of the hole you have been living in all alone. You're already whole for this moment that's now and you'll be fuller tomorrow as your gaurds are let down, or at least this is how I've seen honesty to be. I'm hoping you may begin to trust in me as your friend who admires your strength to admit what you see as weakness. Feeling you is unstoppable, our heart string is pulled thin with distance and still tight in it's connection no matter the witch that's put between it, even as I stretch with the flow, I feel it too when I let you go. When you think of me... Your spirit flies to meet my soul on wings of Love that you've never known, so if your brave today from one moment at all then let your heart go ahead and just call. There's no need to pretend that everything's fine, I'm aware of the dispair you hold in your mind. I'd like to guide your sadness to the exit, hold your hand and be silent, take our time- maybe write it and lay side by side as we inhale all that's left of the blessings we might forget without the other to spot it and point out what we miss. Does this make any sense? Can you try to confront your demons in front of my witness to lighten the load and turn curses into gifts of lessons we will check off our lists? I'm here. When, then, now, still, without judgements, open and loving, I have faith in what you're doing. I'm here for you friend. I'm proud of your steps and I'm a fan of your courage. A puzzle is never made of just one piece, if it was it would just be a picture. "Teamwork makes the dream work." (All Love)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

30 days and counting to the "Miss California" crown....

The "Miss California" pageant is 30 days from today on May 11. I am "Miss Venice Beach" 2012, currently gathering sponsors who will back my journey to being crowned and give me a platform to touch an even larger number of people with Love. Please check out to see a little insider's view on how I got here and also please find yourself making a tax deductible donation by clicking the "sponsor" link at if your precious heart feels so driven to contribute to the cause :)
I am hardly surprised how much work goes into a venture of this type, yet now that I am officially involved in the world of pageantry, I definitely understand first hand the commitment level it takes to receive the honor of representing an entire state. I'm determined. I wake up each morning with a plan to take my physical, intellectual and even spiritual stature to the next level.
After various suggestions to expose the efforts I'm putting forth to make Venice Beach and all of California proud, I think keeping track of my activities in an attempt to see a transformation inspired by this opportunity could be something worth letting you in on. Hopefully you have fun, learn a few new things or just enjoy being a part of my team through out this journey if you have taken the time to click on this link. THANK YOU! Thank you for your support. Your belief in my abilities inspires me to succeed :)
So then, here we go... Today I took my first "Sweat Pilates" class ( I am dripping without an once of cardio! I love the machine we get to work with and find the low impact, high resistance to be a perfect combination for a retired athlete's lingering ailments. This return to a fitness center felt dreaded at first and extremely difficult to even begin yet like we usually do, I feel completely motivated with energy after walking out of only a 45 min class! See, after celebrating my Aquarius birthday I traveled to NYC doing fit modeling and returned just in time to repack and hop on another flight. In no way am I complaining, I landed in Dallas mid Match and got the chance to reconnect with my southern roots.. I had an amazing visit with Granny and family including my cousin's 1st baby welcoming party and a stay in my older Sister's newest palace on the lake. I still feel blessed to have been given the experience of being a part of such special occasions and yet there was no shortage of delicious, fattening and unique dishes in middle America including a legendary "Haystack". From DFW I made the trip to Austin to collaborate on music at a church turned recording shrine, "Same Sky Productions" studio and took in the creative mix of unlimited artists on 6th St. and beyond for the SXSW festivities (
Here's the surprise; before heading to Houston for the next stop on my adventure of The Lone State I received an email referring me as a perfect candidate for the upcoming Miss California pageant.. Honestly, having only done one pageant my whole life at age 2, I took this news with a grain of salt and forged on to meet up with my step mom after years of distance between us. A delightful reunion, for the first time in our lives we actually had a weekend to bond just the two of us, touring the Kemah Pier down to historical Galveston Island. before I headed home to Cali. All the while mind you I allowed myself to excessively over indulge in classic Texas cuisine with absolutely zero exercise, so let's just say I came back "thick".
Well, as great as the homecoming was that I received with all my new "meat" and as fun as it was to find pleasure in food again after nearly a decade of tight dietary restrictions (due to allergies and illness from lack of intestinal peristalsis) I was worn out abusing Benedryl and 5hr energy's to stay active and alert.
With further investigation into the requirements for becoming this specific type of community leader in hopes of being crowned "Miss California", I read with each sentence another description of who I pride myself in being or thrive to become. The spark had aggressively ignited a flame lighting a path I have been drawn to follow and I proceeded to acquire the title of "Miss Venice Beach" since I find this particular area of my Golden State to be filled with culture, passion and consciousness, all of which are important factors in my opinion to living truthfully. I'm honored.
I've renewed my vows to health today and this is where I'm starting from! I intend to grow more attentive to detail on daily basis through workouts and willpower, with a mission mold myself even further into what is seen as the ultimate "Miss California" - Classy, Kind, Healthy and Wise. I have reached out to my gracious network of contacts in an effort to corral substantial financial support and am happy to report the momentous energy I'm receiving has propelled me to dive in head first.. Now I have one week to round up tax-deductible donations before the April 19th deadline. So, it's official. I am determined to tone up, get tan naturally and organically- staying aligned with my integrity to lead by example, find a stunning gown, stay up with current events, create a custom swim suit to strut in with heels on the stage of a packed autetorium, raise enough sponsor support to show community involvement and alleviate pageant costs.. As well as volunteer at the overnight special needs acting camp "Zeno Mountain Farm" ( starting next week and be completely prepared to face 49 other contestants with faith that the panel of judges will see the power of my positive presence and believe in this light of mine I'm letting shine enough to choose me as 2012's "Miss California" ( ... all in the next 30 DAYS! Here it goes: I'm ready to show the world what California is made of and hope you'll help me get there!
What do you think? Any tips to going about a month such as this ;)
1ove Above All.