Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Are you hiding still??

The way we get more zits when we wear more makeup & then we wear more make up to cover up the zits we get from wearing it in the first place, is the same perpetual cycle as lying..
The more you lie, the more you need to cover up and the more cover up stories you tell the more lies you're getting into..
Wash yourself clean, it's always the right time to do the right thing.
Believe the truth will set you free and enjoy being exposed naturally as the authentic beauty you are.
We are each unique and will continuously enjoy life more as we see that I can never be you and you will never be me. So instead of trying to change who we are to please others, it's important that we remind ourselves: people will love you for showing your true colors and being honest, no doubt!

HAPPY 2012, Day 3 :)

Today commit to:
Pick your perspective and all can be enjoyed, knowing everything has positive purpose <3

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