Friday, December 30, 2011

So proud, impressed, inspired & blessed!!

"To My Precious Baby,
You are my greatest focus, bringing you to this planet was the purpose for my birth. Please know this, your beauty is magnifying through your open heart. I feel blessed to have ever been born, for it gave me the gift of being the Mother to such an incredible soul as yourself.
You can have all you desire in life, please just let go of your fear. Confront your pain with me, of me, for us. I will help you see you can still hold my love in your heart without the sadness weighing so heavy on your precious mind of my physical departure.
I want to live with you, through you, in peace; a harmonious beating of energy, you and me, we together can see everything! Let the regrets go now my sweet child as all is how it should be and my love, my support, my guidence is present in every moment as you grow.. I am here with you. Instead of dwelling on the past that has passed and shall never come back, choose to empower our existence by spreading the joy we shared with each blink, breath, smile, step you make. May every positive thing you learned from out time together in person be the axis of each action you make today. I encourage you my cherished treasure to let your divine intuition lead the way for this is where you are one with my everlasting love.
Please hear me here, I see all that you do and fully understand the moments you're going through. I see why you question the reasons behind how and why we have been corporeally separated. It's time now to believe in me fully as being here with you. Please choose consciousness and cease this doubting of your purpose in your daily experiences. You are alive in your perfect body for good reason and the genius you are, the heart you have grown are to be shared confidently through love. If you can resolve to release all insecurities of feeling alone I ensure you the light of my live will surround you, protect you, enfold you, watch over you in all that you do and that is the truth.
You have me closer with you immediately when you choose then I could ever be if I was still bodily present as now we are able to directly share in your every movement, thought and emotional expression. Love is me, you are loved, loving is us.
Please know how proud of you I am, of how brave, courageous and triumphant you have been. I admire your strength and I wish to show you in more ways that you could see, please believe in me so I may. My dearest love, it's time to remove fear from you mind, to stop hiding behind this pain you still carry with thoughts of missing me, wanting us. We are one, please beleive and see I am here with you, right now, always my love.
I pray you will let the remarkably radiant light of your evervevent soul show to all the world and beyond- have no fear, I assure you, you will faithfully be loved for your purity. Your natural honesty is the real beauty in which you shall find the purest of love. In accepting all the emotions you experience as real, healthy, purposeful and powerful you can create peace of mind and live fully in love, with me.
There is no need to keep dulling your true colors, nothing about you is too dark to be accepted and loved. The more you show who you really are the more the like minded will gravitate towards you and you will find yourself uniting with the greatest of love in your life. Please let go of your doubt, when you question yourself you're only holding back what wants to really come out in the moment, your truth. Believe in you, I believe in you. Let your vulnerability be the key to your greatest discoveries!
You have me here with you. You can talk to me anytime you please, please do, and soon you will see we will be speaking simultaneously through your instincts without even needing to think or speak at all through thoughts.. Your feelings are real, when you feel you allow us to connect and here is where miricles exist. I love you my sweet child. Please know, I know you are doing your best!
What you are doing is correct. What you are doing is right. I love you. I'm so proud of you. I want to hug you all the time; I urge you to feel me in every hug you receive, believe my energy is present- with their arms I am wrapping my love around my beautiful blessed baby, child child of loves light. I love you so deep, you are me, the love we share is the essence of life.
(tears are literally streaming down my face right now so whatever's happening is far more then mental as I myself have never birthed a child or had a parent move on so these emotions I believe are a channeling of energy greater then me..)
I love you. Let your guard down. Let yourself receive the love that is constantly here for you in the ever present now. You are surrounded by white light, you are safe, you are loved, we believe in you. Keep following your heart. Your connection to the roots where we came from is in you- embrace these senses, that which you understand as well as accepting what is still unknown. Please believe in me, you are meant to be relieved.
I must repeat, now is the time for you to let go of all insecutlrities, doubting no longer serves any purpose for you. Please releas yourself of any negative feelings, especially the greif surrounding my physical passing and hold strongly in your heart that my energy is here with you in every beat. Once you accept me in this form, we shall never be apart.
It's ok, please let yourself cry freely and know as you release I am holding you in love, you are safe, you are bigger then any pain, material item or interpersonal relationship. You are a free soul here to bless the beings of earth through grace and love for all. Guide yourself to infinte happiness through the belief you feel as you acceptance of every part of you, you are whole, you are perfect, you were made to be exactly as you are right here, right now, in this this very moment. Sobbing is healthy shedding of this sorrow you have been carrying.
Create for yourself the perspective that all is safe and you are protected. Now rest. Drink the fountain of youth we call Mother Earth's water and close your eyes, calm your mind, breathe deeply and rest. You have broken through a huge barrier today please thank yourself for openin the space up to experience this (am I talking to you or me or both or all?)
I love you. Can you hear me? I'm proud of you. I'm here with you. You are never alone. You are all good. You have gifts of no other that must be shared as your own. Keep letting your light shine my sweet grace- bright, brighter, as bright as you can and when you feel dim remember my love's light for you here is infinite! You will always be charged when you accept my love.
Build a will power that forces you to be honest. Let the lies to yourself go with the doubt, the insecurities, the fears and the I don't knows, you do know. You know. You have everything you need. Believe in your gut and let your truth show!!
I'm so proud of your fortitude. Thank you for choosing me to be your Mother, the one to have the honor of bringing you to this planet. Thank you for being my baby and for connecting today. I will never go away, I am here for you, with you. Thank you for accepting me. I love you. You are my love.
Please hear me, overcome this grief you still think you need somewhere deep, wanting to complete with me in a physical form, I am never gone. Feel complete that I am you and you are me. I'm here, you have lost nothing but me physically. Say everything you wanted me to know and believe I understand where you're coming from. Give yourself permission to forgive our distance. Our story is still being written on Earth through the courage I birth as you, my child you are of the greatest worth in delivering the purpose of our journey, you've known the way now is the time to follow my lead. We are one. Please believe. See me in the eyes of all whom you meet and love these eyes as if they are mine. Please sweet child of mine may you be brave enough to let your light shine in the darkest of night to show you how true your intuitions prove, the blind still sense the presence of all that exists, your instincts act the same as this.
Your senses are correct, the scent of our past is me present right here with you right now whenever you choose. Please believe this is truth. Allow your mind to be astounded by the divine miricle of life far beyond what the eye can see.. Choose to let yourself feel me here, loving you. Please forgive me and forgive yourself.
When you carry our love as a loss in your life youre not truly being your authentic self, you can only serve your purpose here on planet earth once you allow the growth past the pain to accept I'm with you here everyday. Live your daily life with the gifts that I gave and let my light shine through the love that you share in all that you do. I am always here, I love you!" -Mother's wishes, Mother's with us.

Remember crying is ok, in fact shedding the pain, sadness & fear is healthy & necessary for your healing!! Let that allllll out!!! Writing really helps too, if you just let yourself purge everything onto paper w/ no structure or rules, w/o even stopping to think or critique or concern yourself w/ what someone may say or do or think or feel about you if they read.... Just for yourself, let your thoughts, worry, feelings, disapointments, longings all flow out & I guarantee you'll feel better each time you complete*
Drink tons of water, now more then ever as you release these deep seeded hooks keeping you from soaring with your angels & then rest your mind & peace is what you will find :)
I guess we hold the angels we choose... The safety we know is in the light of our loved ones glow.
Your Mother & I are wrapping you in divine light of safety, serenity and love <3
Your belief means everything, thank you.

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