Sometimes taking the steps in the best direction can be hard to do even when you can see the light shining the way for you on the path of least resistance.
So, my Aunt Vicki slipped on water at a venue the night of the 21st and fell breaking her patella with numerous fractures needing surgery to fix. This was the eve of our Earth's winter solstice and is said to be the most powerful day of the year to put our intentions into action. Looks like her body wants so much for her to pay a higher level of attention to it she has literally been forced into rest, relaxation, calm stillness, peace and exploration of all her deepest feelings. She is going to be laid up, out of work for 9 months recovering. Hopefully she will be able to utilize this precious time to reconnect with her truest passions and enjoy discovering how she can live out her life's purpose on an even grander scale then ever before! The purest joy can most easily be found in allowing ourselves the space to really receive LOVE.. Give yourself permission today to accept Love.
Having something like this happen is life changing for anyone and it's obvious to see how one could easily become stressed, depressed or angry having something like this happen to them.
Since we know, however, that anger is a secondary emotion we feel to protect ourselves by converting up the real emotions our true instincts feel in a threatening situation, we must look deeper to resolve this pain in order to move forward. Depression on the other hand is much more complicated to figure out. I understand the chemical imbalances known to cause depression and I support you in "denying denial" to see much of this is self induced. We are what we eat, do, think. Sugar, out side of drugs, narcotics and alcohol, is the main altering cause of our emotional state. We are mentally controlled by sugar in the raw form, through corn syrup and even carbohydrates. Too much or too little effects us drastically so much that it can determine our mood and be an underlying factor for is feeling depressed. When and what we eat is our resposibility so to me there is no excuse for this negative reaction to exist in our lives.. Strengthen your will power by requiring yourself to "deny denial" and commit to excellence by doing what's best for you in every present "now". I believe depression in so many ways is a choice just as is happiness. We know stress kills. Stress only impedes our progress. We achieve less with stress as worrying is a total waste of time and mind.
I am pleased to say my Aunt Vicki's surgery went great and she is staying focused on knowing without doubt that every single moment has a positive purpose! I'm proud of you woman, keep up the belief in your body's ability and your continued relief will be.
I reminded her the during any perceived obstacles we will be able to see the opportunities to grow as long as we remember our joy lays in our perspective!!!
Let all doubt flow out & believe that through your belief in the positive purpose of all experiences.. comes relief.
I love you. Reading this means you have a desire to be happy and I appreciate your consideration of my ideas :)
We know Aunt Vicki is going to rock this recovery and become an even more amazing woman everyday as she pushes herself to embrace the challenges presented as chances to develope her will power through her positive attitude. May we each find the will power to believe in the positive purpose of everything, everyone and every experience in every moment.
Our perspective determines our feelings of the encounters we have, so if we choose to see all as having positive purpose we will be guided to see a path that was once hidden leading us to happiness in trying times.
Please be gentle on yourself. Everything takes time to adjust to in order for us to accept the changes and have them last. Practice promotes productivity!
In every moment there is fear or LOVE, pick one! Be love, be loved.
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