In Module V, Cy suggests that all communication is simply a request for something. When I analyzed this idea, it seems to be true on the most fundamental level, whether we are requesting attention, assistance, validation, competition, to be heard or loved, whatever it is we are either subconsciously or directly requesting some responsive behavior from the receiver.
The Communication Cycle has 4 steps:
A. Tom Peter's says in his book In Search of Excellence, "Listening is the highest form of courtesy"
B. Dr. Chester Carris explains listening as, "...the highest for of respect. When you listen to me you're showing your respect for me."
C. Be respectful to all by truly listening to people when they speak. Be present and connect with people when they speak to you by staying focused on what they are saying instead of being distracted or letting your mind wander... Pay full attention and you will earn respect in return.
A. Communicate to the people you're interacting with by acknowledging that you have heard what they said and believe you understand what they're telling you. A belief that you know what the sender was meaning to say validates that you have received the intended message being sent.
IF we master steps one and two, THEN we are considered to be highly effective communicators.
A. When people communicate, many of them just want to be listened to, heard and understood so it's important when communicating with adults that we only respond with our opinions when feedback is requested. (children are different in that we are responsible for showing them what's ethically right from wrong)
B. When telling people what we think or believe in regards to what we have heard them communicate to us, it is of the utmost importance for us to remain non-judgemental. Judgement is acceptable when we are discussing outcomes or results which have predetermined verdicts based on substantial data and evidence.
C. IF someone does ask you for feedback, THEN strive to make sure the information you respond with satisfies the following criteria: H.I.T. H = Helpful, I = Important, T = Truthful. This means, asking yourself, "Is what I'm going to say contributing positively to the life of others?"
A. Physical reactions can weigh just as heavily in any conversation as the verbal communication. These are seen as "eye rolling", "crossed arms", "eye contact", etc.
B. Again, make sure you are demonstrating respectful behavior. --May I remind you, in 'the circle of life' we get back everything we put out, in one way or another, throughout the course of our journey here on Earth. What we give is what we get. We get what we deserve. We deserve whatever we're experiencing. If you dislike what's happening to you in your life right now, take back your power of choice and you will cease to be the victim!
What do you think about this theory??
Love, Your Rebecca: "Servant of GOD" (Guidance Of Divine)
I wish you well & look closer...Cy is not a Dr...He's a plagarist. Be Careful. Look online. Many of his"works" are stolen. He is a Borderline/Narcissist. Delete this, but use extreme caution. God connected me to this blog for a reason.
ReplyDeleteHello Sublet :)
ReplyDeleteThank you for bringing this to my attention! I greatly appreciate feedback as I have only really gotten going on this Blog and am still working out what exactly I am even doing here. I will make sure to look into this as well as bring it up to Cy himself. I am interested to check out your Blog as well and will make sure to do so soon when I have a chance to take some time and really absorb what you're putting out.. I feel we are all connected for purpose as well. Thank you again. With my greatest regards, London
Truly appreciate your graciousness. In what you wrote this morning...echoed throughout my entire body. That's how Cy was with me. I promised him one thing. As long as I am alive, I cannot let him hurt people. I'm finally free of all he did & of all I let happen without caring for myself and getting away. He's kind because it gets him what he wants, easier. When he doesn't want it, he turns into a jerk so he doesn't have to do the awkward, difficult work. He's addicted to drugs, porn w/young young girls & he fantasized about "doing" his 4th wifes girls...Be cautious. Don't share your unpublished writing..As good as everyone thinks he is, is as bad as he REALLY is.
ReplyDeleteHe will say "Oh she's just angry". Not anymore. "She was hurt, but I told her"...Yes I was hurt, no devastated. And he never ever "told" me....I told him. He wanted me all to himself and there are many stories that are to sick, so I had to let it go...I just worry about others..