Saturday, December 3, 2011

"Am I doing my best right now?"

That question saves me constantly.

Anytime you wonder IF you're doing your best, THEN you're on the right track, still, however the answer is doubfully. When we are doing our best in the moment, we know it; IF you're doing your best in the moment, THEN it's safe to own it and show it. IF you will question your own actions, THEN your instincts will tell you a clear truth. You know instantly if you're making a wise decision. For this reason, my research indicates most still shy away from this confronting question. Still, we aplaud any desire to simply ponder the topic. There's great importance in remembering to believe that when we're doing our best, we get to live without fears from doubt. 
By asking, "Am I doing my best right now?" we are demontrating that we understand each of us is a part of a whole. We are all effected by each other in every instant, this is living "The Circle of Life" . It's greatly appreciated when you show a sense of wanting to do what's best for the whole by playing your part. Also, by choosing to use this quiet personal reminder like all else which is existing, we are deciding what the future we're making as we speak will be, look like, feel like. The past is past. The past has passed. The past pasted. Only 'right now'  has any power to make changes from what is already gaurenteed to occur based on the past. What's going to happen from what we did before this moment will further be inhanced or defused through every single action we make 'right now'. You Choose!


<<< This is the way to "Deny Denial." >>>

Step One:
First, by confronting ourselves with asking, "Am I doing my best right now?" we are awknowledging that we could possibly be doing something harmful to ourselves, our life. Praise yourself for being brave enough to even ask this question. Now, ask away! Ask all day! Ask anytime you wonder.. Ask whenever you make a new choice. Once you ask enough you will learn to instinctively know and naturally steer your vessle in a healthy direction. When you want to go against what you know is you best, please remind yourself of the ripple effect we each have on all. The contact we have with some; each day, everything we do, eveythign we use, everywhere we go, we're effecting and being effecting. There's no getting away from this, there's merely people who ignore that it's here. 
Step Two:
Second, answer the question. Give yourself an honest reply. Respond with a yes or no, if you want to say maybe the awnser is most likely no. "Am I doing my best right now?" is your conscience challenging your guilty tempations. Shed the weight through honesty. Honestly, when you're free of doubt fear disapears and the strain goes away. Release the ties you have holding you down from social norms or past wounds. EVERY MOMENT IS NEW. Everything we do counts. Start choosing to do your best right now.
Be strong for us all, believe in your ability to be better by loving yourself instead when you doubt. Be healthier through constand choice, "Deny Denial." and live cleaner.
Step Three:
The Key = Practice. 
Skills are aquired fully, attained most extensively, instinctually demonstrated effectively when frequently  practiced. Thank you for being on my team :)

Leave a responsible wake.
If you slack the rest of us have to clean up your mess.
Choose benefitial behavior right now. IF we ask ourselves, "Am I doing my best right now?" THEN answer honestly, be on a team, and adjust accordingly, we all win.

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