Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Be trustworthy and those around you will be peaceful.

My “Yogi” tea today said, “Trust creates peace”

To me this means:
Be trustworthy and those around you will be peaceful. Be the image you wish to see reflected at you through the mirror of life, which is all existing around you. Happiness is yours every moment of everyday when you choose your life that way. 
*Affirm this truth by saying, “Happiness is mine, every moment of everyday, because I choose my life this way!”

Be a source of joy for all who come in contact with you and leave only positive memories in your wake. Believe in the purpose of your life even if the specifics of why you are in any given place at any given time are still unclear to you.
*Affirm: “Thanks to my conscious connection with the ever flowing power of Love, I am living my life’s purpose right now.”

Important to remember:
All is “we”…
The world, every consequent grouping throughout it and beyond are each parts of the “us” that is all.  The greater whole, of which we are without exception connected to, is continuously affected by every single action and thought completed by each of us in all present moments. There are no moments when your ideas and behaviors are going unnoticed or without effects on the function of the continuous connection of all. A family is a team. A team works together to collectively succeed. See all as family and we will all succeed.
*Affirm: “I am one with all, as all is one”

Raise your level of connected awareness through choice. Understand your role as a physical being on planet earth by choosing to acknowledge that each of “us” is here for a purpose of creation. Next, discover what your personal purpose is in life by asking yourself:
  • What am I truly passionate about creating?
  • What calls to me when my mind is clear and without fear?
  • What do I enjoy doing most? 
  • When do I truly feel the greatest pleasure?
  • What am I instinctively drawn to when I release all restricting thoughts of doubt?
Without thinking, allow your mind to be free to feel your inner most desires….
This, these, that is your life’s purpose.

Thank you for sharing your time and attention with me today, I appreciate your presence! 
Until we meet again, please believe in your unique power and focus on using that power for good.
Be love, be loved.  

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Feelings are our passport for life.

Affirm: I feel amazing.
Feeling good comes from really staying focused on the constant flow of positive life source energy & allowing ourselves to be guided by purpose through Love.
Our thoughts create our perceptions of life. Each person's sole perspective on life is simply a projection of our feelings. We perceive our experiences based on developed habits, defensive blocks & through our instincts.
We must choose every single moment to replace doubt with positive affirmations of belief in our life's purpose & what we are passionate about creating during our time on this planet. By directing our focus this way we can accept knowing that we have everything we want around us at all times and we therefore need for nothing. Thank you for reading this, I love you. I'm proud of you.
Take your time. There's no rush. We all go at our own speed, that's part of what makes us each unique :)

REMEMBER: the Universal law, ASK & 'IT' IS GIVEN. (What is chosen, Is.)
The key to having your greatest dream be your reality is through being brave enough to have faith in that validity of your desires. Once you have asked for what you want to have, then we must chose to be consciously present and open to ACCEPT and receive your request when 'it' presents itself from the unknown.

Stress impedes progress. We achieve less with stress. I've learned through the "Teachings of Abraham" by the Hick's that love, happiness, joy, well being and the like are comparable to the electricity flow of a light switch. When we flip a light switch to off the energy which powers the light is still flowing, we are simply restricting the light from shining. The same goes for Love.
Love never goes away we just block our vision of it's existence by allowing ourselves to fear or doubt.

"Ahhhhh!" Is a natural feeling when we deny denial. How great it feels though to know we are releasing ourselves from suppression and connecting with Truth.
So, Yes! "AHHHH!" Let that doubt flow right out!
The pain will seize to exist as we replace all negative thoughts from fear with the constant* love* energy* available <3
It's always the perfect time to make the choice to feel good, be well and think new, positive, creative, loving, passionate thoughts... Allow your instincts to guide you!
Be love, Be loved!

I believe 'thinking' is great for reflection. Be mindful though that when we 'think' we are restricting our instincts. It's important to remember that our gut knows ALL.
I'm here for you. Love is always here for you.
Please trust in the Universe to share the requests of your desires openly through your thoughts and affirmative communication in order to enhance your happiness. Ask within as well as aloud.

You have already begun creating the life you most greatly desire just by considering these ideas.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Do our hands show us what we've lived?

Found this... A creation I made and gave to my mother when I was young to remind her the value of her life's efforts and to Love all she is, for every experience she's had is of purpose... (I was still so entitled at that age, yet the message I believe is worth sharing.) <3

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving... What does today mean?

Everyday I'm living, thanks giving..

Giving to the thankful,
and thankful for the giving!

Be love, be loved.

*Thank YOU*

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Each One, Teach One.

We are each one,
Here to teach some.

When a heart is left unattended,
It is hard to know how to mend it.
Take the blame if you've been neglected...
You have the power to correct this.

We are each one,
Here to teach some.

Leading by example is the only honest way.
Other methods work until at the end of the day...
The ones who believe in you will trust the path you lay,
So show them you tell the truth by doing what you say!

We are each one,
Here to teach some.

Listen with your eyes and yet
Be open to surprises.
What you give is what you get,
You've heard it, now please accept.
Every action counts.. Except:
Nothing! Life is made of webs,
Every moment to the next-
Every motion intersects.

We are each one,
Here to teach some.

I'm working for peace and equality
Among all of the signs, astrology.
Greed is bringing down our society,
Only take what you need, economy.
Water our seeds and teach kids to say please
These children will lead our communities
So important we guide them consciously
To act with purpose, feel deep, think freely...

We are each one,
Here to teach some.

See we need to remember, Love's the key:
With passion all doors begin opening.
Obstacles are just opportunities
For us to succeed... Enjoy everything.


Guess what.. We're all in alignment

Positive thoughts lead to good feelings. Good feelings spark confident choices. Confident choices create progressive actions. Progressive actions allow enjoyable projections. Enjoyable projections affirm productive beliefs. Productive beliefs breed beneficial acceptance. Beneficial acceptance enhances well being. Well being is completely possible.

Be love, be loved.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Shift Your Focus

The tears you shed
Could drive me mad..
The fears you have
Are in your head.

When years feel bad,
Then stop and Laugh..
The times you've had-
Are in the past.

Make this gift last
Or it too's passed-
Instead of sad
Learn from mistakes

Take what I've said
And let it bake..
Then make a plan
And live life great!

Friday, November 11, 2011

you always know.

Life gives to those who live it.
Your love is the pilot light of my insight,
Your bright scintillate inspires mine!
Your time reinforces why I...
I love your truthfulness, the way you speak, free of all except sincerity,
I want you here with me, please know my heart has your footprints memory even when you leave
I'm so proud of the truth you're excavating on your journey, constantly arriving, learning,
knowing this moment is the destination we're each destined to be in..
Thoroughly being present through all which is presented, you're impressive and I'm grateful to meet the wake your honor creates.
I admire the steps you take, everyday, rain or shine, I see you looking for the brighter side in the developments of life
Your lambent spirit makes all who's near it sparkle from the feeling of the pure love your giving..
Your radiate engery which may seem intimidating when seen innitally, when examined, is actually creating a community of conscious streams directly relating to the acceptance of all beings, bringing understanding.
I appreciate you leading by example, how you hold the peace in ample quantities, keep a mind completely judgement free, full of unique qualities, you are a treat in a world full of sweets
By staying ready for anything without expectating the adventure of what each nonce brings, inhibitiing our understanding of such bliss in this; you bread belief in me.
Your vision is supreme, so clean, pristine, excellent in all extremes, fully supporting the theory that 'all is perfect as is'; as "as is" is always as all shall be; therefore making each moment happen perfectly.. 
Is this making sense as I'm explaining the dreams you keep through my mediums of speech?
Through this passage, I intend a proclamation of your diginity.
Your love is the water that blossoms my flower from a bud to a rose
Your open mind combined with the big heart you hold inside, creates a life in which I take pride to reside as aligned with mine
You purity is the soil packed around my growing seed, feeding, nurishing me to succeed
Your honesty is the air I breathe to evolve eternally 
Your loyalty allows me to be free and know I will always have a sun to see, may you see through me all the beauty you bring to the company you keep
In you, I've found the artistry of understanding lies in the reality of having
Your outstanding endowment comes without demanding acknowledgment, a complement I intend to have continuously landing deep below your surface in the quality time that's spend as we circumfrance the planet and beyond, an unbreakable bond we call family.
Thank you for your gorgeous inclusive mass; an unmasked compass open to guide without attempting to control the tides.
Please accept my appreciation knowing your love is safe from being replaced or taken for granted. At any rate, I feel you're an advantage to anyone close to your radiant spirit..
So to you I cheers, because of your love I am blessed with no fears!
As we peace, please give us the stregnth to know the validity of "ask and you shall recieve", keep the belief that we are capable of anything and fill our minds with the will power to direct our energy of every kind to see all positively; giving us the ability to live in the upmost harmony, hands linked no matter the miles between never longing, sure of our belonging..
Yes, we are blessed, now may we always live as such, creating only love.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Your Birth

Your Birth gave me
The blessing 
Of a friend, who challenges me to be the greatest woman I can, 
fulfill my life's purpose, the plan 
for my existence in this time on Earth's surface.. 
Thanks to Your Birth.
Your breath
given to bring spirits to form,
created children in your own womb
who now thrive from knowing you,
your life, your love,
your guidance from above,
all around us, in all we do,
knowing the truth that you still see, still believe in us too..
For Your Birth I forever have gratitude.
Your Birth opened the eyes
of such precious minds,
who have each given me
opportunities to teach,
learn lesson's I need,
answer's to question I seek,
looking deep in the soul's of the three blessings you've left behind
has shown me the heart you had inside, the light you still shine,
the trace of so much right you accomplished
in your time on this planet
the determination you gave
to make sure you made a way
for your seeds who stayed
to be here with me today..
For Your Birth I am eternally grateful.
I have your influence in every instance,
the steps I take have you in them through the wake you made.
I know your babies are safe,
you're angel wings
can be seen wrapped around the entities of their beings
in every moment of every day, I know you're with us,
sharing our success.
I appreciate you allowing me to deliver the messages,
thank you for your acceptance,
your presence is sacred
and Your Birth is celebrated!!!!
aLLLove, aLL ways, aLways.
In Loving Acknowledgement of a phenomenal woman, L.L.W.

Sunday, November 6, 2011


When do you think of me?
When are you most reminded of our ecstasy, the way I held you close, how you want to be next to me?
When have you really received what you please and when will you see you can have all you seek?
When we're apart do you forget my heart or do you long to restart the epic love that we chart?
When our memories cross through the thoughts you keep, are you able to ignore the truth we explored?
When you wake up in the morn or any hour for that matter, are you filled with the laughter I brought to your kingdom or are you bored with the jesters you court?
When you look down at the floor in your castle, do you see the care you paid my body as I ached or recall how we played, music playing all day, ordering in, making shakes, as hours from minutes went unknown because we were happy just being at home alone with our curtains open to a world that we know we own?
When you look out now, does the sight astound you how the decor has "us" all around you?
When you walk through the rooms, from the walls, to the pool, the bath, and swivel stools, counter tops where we fooled and into the room where I found you, to learn what you hide from the rest but knew I'd stand the test to the death; so you let me in, where we vowed to always be ferally honest, do you ever reminisce about all of this?
When you sit, is your rest still on the couch where we gave belief to our doubt that another could pull such depths from our minds to our mouths?
When you ponder if I still feel the same, will you make no mistake, I remember just as bright as before, like it was yesterday?
When you try to deduce all the truth we let loose, how our senses connected, left nothing neglected, does your mind want to forget, think that's easiest, trying to reason if it's possible that what we have really exists?
When you feel another do you implore your senses to let go of the essence you know we possess or do you just accept the act of regress in your most intimate moments?
When no one's around, does your body long for the repetition of our friction, do you find yourself subconsciously searching the sheets for my key to unlock the love that you keep deep within your soul where nobody else has been able to go?
When I know you're down at the house where I stuck around to find out what you were all about; I begin to wonder, am I with you right now just like in the summer or will you give me a shout and discover my guards continue to remain down, your spell I'm still under?
When we're together our abilities are honed, at the apex of, sharpened; our adroitness' ingenious and bliss is full grown: never carded.. Our skills are finessed, we hit the target- never miss- and since we're singing the same tone, our light's can be shown; purely prowess: radiating lazy's opposite, no faking or calling quits, unlimited competence we're raking, as we settle for no less then the best- there's no way around it, if we want it: we gets.
When, I ask, can we reconnect, is there a junction for us up ahead?
When will we link hands and able to have it; this serene harmony we both imagine?
When is it time to ease in again, begin fresh, with our savvy technique of  'no nonsense friends before anything'?
When we finally use the past of us two as our muse, we'll progress past the fantasies to conclude that our energy is more then a dream.
When we feel free to admit these love seeds, so unique, which are living in each as part of our daily reality and commence watering; only then will our spirits truly be allowed to breathe most freely as we complete our destiny of what may be fulfilling the fate of our life's journey as we set sail to sea, embarking on eternity.
When we....  

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Be.at.i.tude: (n.) 1. Supreme blessedness; exalted happiness.

Thank you Universe and all good energy throughout existence which continues to affect my instincts positively and guide my earth being with complete beatitude.  

Your presence brings happiness.
We have these terms of endearment, 
I learned from being near him,
He's thumbs up when I feel bad, 
Turns out he's my best friend; 
Wise ones have told us for years now: that's the best way to pick em.. 
The One who wants what's best for me even if he likes it differently, 
What I choose for me he accepts, 
Yet, has influence on my decisions based on respect. 
He teases enough that I know he cares, stays, tough, when the world disappears..
We build roads with our words, thrown by our work towards bonds more close then our forms can compose.. 
Fondling simultaneous dreams. 
On the same team, longing for lodging a community of homage behaving's, 
Free, no need for saving; no needs. 
Yeah, it's called clarity, clear stream of belief. 
> Without doubt there is no grief.. 
These are the things that we see: you looking in to me, looking to me to look into you too, seeing I do in the things that I do for you, done for me too. 
Where Love's the tree's we breathe, strength we keep to move mountains we meet of any sized peak, knowing, within Truth all is me, all is you, all is now, all is good.. 
Though, may I remind you now before you go: on some level, all that is feared is only unknown, understanding is the first and last step to growth.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

the way i feel today is real.

The longer I live the more I grow..
My shine from within is open to glow.
The larger I give the more you know..
The life that I live is full blown go.

Do you eat more when you're alone or in public?
Says something, insight inside your mind, how you think. -If you tweak or go w/o considering your imagery..
Imaginary, like a dream, all you need then gone in a blink. No reason to trick or treat when the world's candy lays at my feet; just pick what I please and all I love is serviced to me..
Be like me? Doubtfully. Without the key: left wondering, "what is she on!?" Nothing but trees, no Molls, E..
Except w/ Christ, yep, sin can see.. me getting it in, all silly*
He tell it like a friend, hug from him shows his love within, same brain of a lion- conjoined twins without trying.. All honest, there's no lying; one kiss and we are flying. Couldn't wish for more exciting; if you can then get to riding, I'm in the ride where all fears subside; slick and cool: slip 'n slide: nick named in school haaahh aight that's my time to act a fool, catch you flip side if you's that cool.