Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Each One, Teach One.

We are each one,
Here to teach some.

When a heart is left unattended,
It is hard to know how to mend it.
Take the blame if you've been neglected...
You have the power to correct this.

We are each one,
Here to teach some.

Leading by example is the only honest way.
Other methods work until at the end of the day...
The ones who believe in you will trust the path you lay,
So show them you tell the truth by doing what you say!

We are each one,
Here to teach some.

Listen with your eyes and yet
Be open to surprises.
What you give is what you get,
You've heard it, now please accept.
Every action counts.. Except:
Nothing! Life is made of webs,
Every moment to the next-
Every motion intersects.

We are each one,
Here to teach some.

I'm working for peace and equality
Among all of the signs, astrology.
Greed is bringing down our society,
Only take what you need, economy.
Water our seeds and teach kids to say please
These children will lead our communities
So important we guide them consciously
To act with purpose, feel deep, think freely...

We are each one,
Here to teach some.

See we need to remember, Love's the key:
With passion all doors begin opening.
Obstacles are just opportunities
For us to succeed... Enjoy everything.


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