Friday, November 11, 2011

you always know.

Life gives to those who live it.
Your love is the pilot light of my insight,
Your bright scintillate inspires mine!
Your time reinforces why I...
I love your truthfulness, the way you speak, free of all except sincerity,
I want you here with me, please know my heart has your footprints memory even when you leave
I'm so proud of the truth you're excavating on your journey, constantly arriving, learning,
knowing this moment is the destination we're each destined to be in..
Thoroughly being present through all which is presented, you're impressive and I'm grateful to meet the wake your honor creates.
I admire the steps you take, everyday, rain or shine, I see you looking for the brighter side in the developments of life
Your lambent spirit makes all who's near it sparkle from the feeling of the pure love your giving..
Your radiate engery which may seem intimidating when seen innitally, when examined, is actually creating a community of conscious streams directly relating to the acceptance of all beings, bringing understanding.
I appreciate you leading by example, how you hold the peace in ample quantities, keep a mind completely judgement free, full of unique qualities, you are a treat in a world full of sweets
By staying ready for anything without expectating the adventure of what each nonce brings, inhibitiing our understanding of such bliss in this; you bread belief in me.
Your vision is supreme, so clean, pristine, excellent in all extremes, fully supporting the theory that 'all is perfect as is'; as "as is" is always as all shall be; therefore making each moment happen perfectly.. 
Is this making sense as I'm explaining the dreams you keep through my mediums of speech?
Through this passage, I intend a proclamation of your diginity.
Your love is the water that blossoms my flower from a bud to a rose
Your open mind combined with the big heart you hold inside, creates a life in which I take pride to reside as aligned with mine
You purity is the soil packed around my growing seed, feeding, nurishing me to succeed
Your honesty is the air I breathe to evolve eternally 
Your loyalty allows me to be free and know I will always have a sun to see, may you see through me all the beauty you bring to the company you keep
In you, I've found the artistry of understanding lies in the reality of having
Your outstanding endowment comes without demanding acknowledgment, a complement I intend to have continuously landing deep below your surface in the quality time that's spend as we circumfrance the planet and beyond, an unbreakable bond we call family.
Thank you for your gorgeous inclusive mass; an unmasked compass open to guide without attempting to control the tides.
Please accept my appreciation knowing your love is safe from being replaced or taken for granted. At any rate, I feel you're an advantage to anyone close to your radiant spirit..
So to you I cheers, because of your love I am blessed with no fears!
As we peace, please give us the stregnth to know the validity of "ask and you shall recieve", keep the belief that we are capable of anything and fill our minds with the will power to direct our energy of every kind to see all positively; giving us the ability to live in the upmost harmony, hands linked no matter the miles between never longing, sure of our belonging..
Yes, we are blessed, now may we always live as such, creating only love.

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